What will 2007 look like?
Will private equity finance a whopping $100 billion buyout? Will mobile entertainment make a splash like MySpace? Will oil hit $70 a barrel? 10 top leaders and thinkers told us what they think will happen in 2007 -- tell us if you agree.
Posted by Deirdre Terry 2:35 PM 6 Comments comment | Add a Comment

I do agree that technology in mobile platforms (e.g. 3G technology) will spread tremendously, thereby increasing the variety of services that cellphones can support (especially in multimedia). Other comments seemed overly bias to me and offer little credibility. Two that stick out are the ones about small and medium sized business going global and UPS being there to make it possible (made by a UPS exec) and oil averaging $70 per barrel across 2007 (made by a BP exec). Respectively, they sound like a marketing pitch and a ploy to buy stock.
Posted By Anonymous Anonymous : 11:04 AM  

The fact that Pickens reduced his estimate from $100 per barrel of oil last year to $70 here, should relatively tell us where oil prices are going :)
Don't sell your SUVs yet!
Posted By Anonymous Anonymous : 11:58 AM  

Very interesting thoughts about 2007 and the future.

Two of the largest trends were not mentioned. Global warming and the growing opportunity disparity between peoples. Both evolved markedly 2006. As things heat up, the UK and some others took serious stands and slowly the world's acceptance of the ineviability of the change sets in. This is effecting/willeffect everything we see, say, touch and do. And it is exacerbating the second major trend. The one visionary step to correct the opportunity (read: wealth)disparity in the world was the introduction of the $100 computer.

The difference between 2017 and 2007 will be enormous even as compared to the difference between 2007 and 1997. And this brings up yet another trend: The character and skills of the leaders who can see this future and prepare us for it has morphed years ago. Information dissemination, and regionalism becoming as important as country borders changes the leadership models.
Posted By Anonymous Anonymous : 1:21 PM  

The U.S. Economy slowed last half 2006. If '07 is a contuation, as
many respected economists believe(i.e. Bill Gross/PIMCO), I'd expect an avg of $70 oil to "tax" consumers drag the economy south. A high of $70 in '07 perhaps but to avg such is a little too starchy for me. Luck to all!
Posted By Anonymous Anonymous : 4:17 PM  

It is worrisome that crude prices not really backed by demand and supply enabled Iran to spend excess oil money on missile technology - they are about to launch a satellite with a rocket that can reach Israel and Saudi-Arabia - , enabled Russia to built a medieval Oligarch state, enabled Venezuela to become a post-socialism socialist state. The US should release
a significant part of the Petroleum reserve to bring oil down to 20$/bbl
instead of bulking the reserve up and thus further fiancing them.
That should do to famish these dangerous developments.
Posted By Anonymous Anonymous : 1:20 PM  

As far as technology goes there will certainly be an evolution and as far as the Chinese market goes it will certainly expand. However, the rates of expansion and the amount of technological evolution will be slower than anticipated. In many cases the prior occupier of the "space" has to be removed for the new things to get in and they won't go without a fight.

We (USA) are already behind the 3G technology implementation going on in Asia due to the foothold of existing technolgy in the marketplace.
Posted By Anonymous Anonymous : 5:48 AM  

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